Global Pay uses eesel AI as their knowledge expert

Global Pay uses eesel AI as their knowledge expert

Global Pay uses eesel AI as their knowledge expert

"In a business where transactions need to be processed as quickly as possible, every second counts."

"In a business where transactions need to be processed as quickly as possible, every second counts."

"In a business where transactions need to be processed as quickly as possible, every second counts."

Alex Capurro

Alex Capurro

Chief Innovation Officer at Global Pay

Chief Innovation Officer at Global Pay

Global Pay uses eesel AI as their knowledge expert

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  • Global Pay uses eesel AI to find answers to specific questions extremely quickly, with automatic updating.

  • The automatic updating of eesel AI when documentation is changed keeps things running smoothly.

  • Their compliance, QA, and development departments have seen time savings of 50-80%.

  • Global Pay prefers a tool that will grow with them, and understands that having responsive support like they've found in eesel AI is essential.

Every business requires reliable and timely transactions, something that Global Pay has been able to identify as a prime area for innovation. The time it takes to complete transactions relies not just on the business, but the payment platform they use and the tools at their disposal.

Global Pay offers over 100 countries innovative payment solutions across the globe, customised to each business’ needs and streamlined via the cloud. They boast over 4.5 million accounts in over 100 industries, so they need to be on their A-game to keep up with such a diverse range of companies, countries, and industries. Alex Capurro, the CIO of Global Pay, says "In a business where transactions need to be processed as quickly as possible, every second counts."

Global Pay recognised that in order to deliver such a high quality service to such a scale, their internal employees need to be able to find knowledge in a reliable and efficient way. That’s why Global Pay has selected eesel AI to be its knowledge expert. “We can find specific answers to questions extremely fast,” Alex says, “and we can also help new people in the business to learn about our different processes.”

In the age of information, access and accuracy is essential

Global Pay has a vast knowledge base with hundreds of Confluence pages. With over 27,000 transaction experts, if this knowledge is updated or changed, it’s important that this newly updated information is readily available to their employees. With eesel AI, answers automatically use the updated information so employees don’t receive outdated info. 

Global Pay has decided to make a bot for every department, allowing each area of the business to customise and fine-tune their bot to best suit their needs. “So far, in the last couple of months we have seen massive positive impacts. Our compliance and regulations department for example is reporting a massive 80% time savings,” Alex says. “For our QA department it is saving anywhere between 50 – 80%, depending on the task.” They’ve also found that eesel is a great way to allow new employees to learn about the business processes. 

While working remotely has opened up a whole new way of communication and business operations, there are always going to be issues with asynchronous communication. Waiting to hear back from a colleague about a particular policy? Keep getting questions about the same simple transaction rule? Tools like eesel AI remove these obstacles to keep Global Pay running smoothly. “It solves a time and knowledge issue,” Alex Capurro explains. “People are able to find answers to questions very quickly, thus saving us time and lack of knowledge.”

Streamlining business processes is always ongoing

Especially in the e-commerce space, there will always be areas where efficiencies can be made and adjustments to processes will change operations. It’s important to choose tools that adapt and scale with you. Global Pay chose eesel AI because of “the availability of the team behind Eesel and their willingness to help and grow with us in this experience”, as Alex Capurro puts it. As Global Pay continues to innovate on their business processes and expand, eesel AI will be making sure that every employee has access to the most relevant and recent knowledge.

“People are able to find answers to questions very quickly, thus saving us time and lack of knowledge.”

“People are able to find answers to questions very quickly, thus saving us time and lack of knowledge.”

Alex Capurro

Alex Capurro

Chief Innovation Officer at Global Pay

Chief Innovation Officer at Global Pay

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It takes a few clicks to create an AI that knows about your company knowledge. Tinker and see for yourself.

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It takes a few clicks to create an AI that knows about your company knowledge. Tinker and see for yourself.

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It takes a few clicks to create an AI that knows about your company knowledge. Tinker and see for yourself.

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